Twisted Metal basically allows players to function within a fictional Demolition Derby. Players can choose various types of arenas, vehicles and weapons (ranging from Ballistic projectiles to mines). The player then enters an arena where he/she is faced by 5 or 6 opponent drivers. His job is to compete with other drivers and win the game by ramming his vehicle into those of the opponent drivers. Whoever has the most operational vehicle in the end, wins the game.
Each game has its own storyline but all installments of the series revolve around the theme be careful what you wish for, slightly falling into line with movies such as Wishmaster. The person organizing the races (mostly known as Calypso) has the power to intercede with reality and mold events in such a way as to satisfy one wish or desire of the winner of the combat. The winners have to use their words carefully when making a wish or the sadistic hosts twist the words to suit their own means. There is a lot of black humor in the game. Often, the winners don't have a happy ending because of this particular theme of the game.
The eighth edition of Twisted Metal is being developed by Eat Sleep Play. There is focus on 16 multiplayer and 4 player split screen features and there are several gaming modes for playing available as well. The latest edition offers a Nuke mode. This mode allows the user to choose a group to face an opponent group also selected by the user. Each faction owns a metal statue which is hoisted into the air by a helicopter; the opponent group must try to destroy this statue. In order for players to succeed in destroying these statues they must abduct the opponent team's leader, sacrifice him to a missile launcher which will in turn ignite a nuclear missile aimed at the opponents statue.
The Twisted Metal series hope to please audiences with the release of the eighth edition scheduled for release in 2011. Eat Sleep Play has already canceled to two Twisted Metal Series projects in previous years, therefore, the success of this game is of crucial importance to the production team.
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