Monday, February 28, 2011
Tips/Cara Mengatasi Komputer Hang
Tips Mengatasi PC Saat Lagi Lambat atau Lemot - Hampir setiap pengguna komputer yang menggunakan system Windows pasti pernah mengalami komputer yang tiba-tiba "hang", pasti kesal.. dan hal ini tentunya akan mengganggu dan menghambat pekerjaan. Seperti yang pernah saya tulis pada artikel sebelumnya mengenai Tips Mengatasi PC Saat Lagi Lambat atau Lemot yang sangat membuat kita sebagai user bisa
PCMAV 4.7 Update Build 1, PCMAV Terbaru, Clamav 0.97.0, PCMAV Februari - PCMAV Maret 2011 Telah Dirilis
PCMAV 4.7 Update Build 1, PCMAV Terbaru, Clamav 0.97.0, PCMAV Februari - PCMAV Maret 2011 Telah Dirilis. PC Media - Anti virus PCMAV terbaru bulan ini, PCMAV 4.7 telah hadir bersama diterbitkannya majalah PC Media edisi 03/2011 bulan Maret 2011.
Namun demikian, nampaknya edisi 03/2011 majalah PC Media lambat beredar meski di situs resminya telah lama dipublikasikan. Saat kami mendapatkan majalah
Namun demikian, nampaknya edisi 03/2011 majalah PC Media lambat beredar meski di situs resminya telah lama dipublikasikan. Saat kami mendapatkan majalah
Tips Mengatasi PC Saat Lagi Lambat atau Lemot
Tips Mengatasi PC Saat Lagi Lambat atau Lemot - Hal ini adalah hal yang paling menyebalkan ketika kita sedang menggunakan PC/laptop ternyata tidak mendukung performa yang kita butuhkan, terlebih jika sesudah lemot/lambat, komputer kita mengalami hang, sangat sebal tentunya. Apalagi ketika Anda benar-benar lagi butuh kinerja PC/laptop yang prima untuk menyelesaikan suatu pekerjaan yang mungkin
Cara Disable Windows XP Automatic Update
Cara Disable Windows XP Automatic Update - Windows XP Terkadang kita tidak sadar bahwa computer kita melakukan updating secara tersembunyi. Di sini saya akan memberikan sebuah trik bagaimana caranya untuk menonaktifkan Windows Automatic Update. ini semua tentu sudah saya coba dan saya praktikan pada komputer pribadi saya, terutama untuk menjawab masalah yang sama yang terjadi pada komputer
Cara Membuat Windows 7 Bajakan Menjadi Genuine
Cara Membuat Windows 7 Bajakan Menjadi Genuine - Windows 7, salah satu sistem operasi yang baru marak menjadi idola banyak orang. Selain karena tampilannya yang lebih elegant, fitur-fitur yang disediakan oleh windows 7 pun lebih bervariasi, dan windows 7 juga lebih kompatibel dibandingkan dengan windows XP SP1, SP2, ataupun SP3.Nha, yang menjadi masalah adalah key number windows 7. Mungkin
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Pokémon Black & Pokémon White
Pokémon Black & Pokémon White are the first games of the long anticipated fifth generation of Pokémon. These games are due for release in Japan in September 18th 2010 and are said to bring about a revolution of Pokémon. .
These games are set to feature the previously established assortment of Pokémon, but will also contain a massive amount, 156 in fact, of brand New Pokémon. These Pokémon are the only ones you will encounter until the main game has been completed
In addition to that, Pokémon Black and Pokémon White take the 3D attributes previously included in Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold & SoulSilver and take them to new levels by including things like fully 3D bridges and a completely 3D city.
Pokémon Black & White are set in the region known as Unova. Unova is a region far away from the previous regions, requiring you to get there by Boat or Plane. It has a large city called Castelia City, with loads of buildings and sky scrapes for you to explore. Outside of the city and Unova remains to be predominantly industrialised with various factories and train tracks existing in the various areas. As the games are set in a region far away, the main game will not feature any old Pokémon until you have beaten the main story. The games also have you playing as protagonists older than the previous playable characters.
Pokémon Black & Pokémon White are to be compatible in with the games of the previous generation; Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, HeartGold & SoulSilver through the aspect of the game known as the PokéTransfer so you can complete the Pokédex. In addition to this, there is a method called the Transfer Machine which works only for a certain few event Pokémon. Through this, some event Pokémon can be traded over to these games to unlock new things such as the Monster Fox Pokémon, Zoroark.
There are numerous featurres introduced within the game. First, in battle, there are two further methods of battle; Triple Battle & Rotation Battles. Both of which have you send out three Pokémon at once in order to battle with varying mechanics within it. In local wireless and over WiFi, there is also the Wonder Launcher which is a function that allows you to use items during battle, but at a cost. In battles, the camera is also dynamic, zooming in and out on the Pokémon while they move in a variety of animations
Much like how Gold & Silver introduced the concept of the Day/Night cycle, Pokémon Black & White introduce the concept of Seasons. These seasons change a variety of factors including Wild Pokémon, location aesthetics and even the background music. The seasons rotate at the start of every month so you don't need to wait long until the next one.
The games also introduce a variety of new multiplayer aspects including the Xtransceiver, a DSi & 3DS exclusive feature, that allows for video chat with you and your friends. In addition to that, the games can now connect to the Internet for access to a site called the Pokémon Global Link. The Global Link allows you access to Random Matches on the Internet, capable of being ranked based upon your performance, as well as a section called the Dream World which will allow you to obtain non-Unova Pokémon, some of which have new abilities, and items that also cannot be obtained in Unova such as Berries. In addition to this, the games also have the Entralink feature which has you visit a friend's game and complete certain missions in order to get various power ups which last a short time in the main game.
The game's story features you having to stop Team Plasma, a team who, unlike previous teams, want to do good and intend to stop what they perceive the slavery of Pokémon caused by trainers. In addition to this, you also have to travel the region in order to get 8 badges once more.
DSi Enhancments
As stated above, Pokémon Black & White are DSi Enhanced. As such, they will only work on DSis of the same region as the game. However, despite this, there are a variety of new features exclusive to the DSi. First is the Xtransceiver which does allow for voice and video chat between up to 4 friends locally and 1 friend over the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. In addition to this, Pokémon Black & White are capable of connecting to the Internet via the WPA encryption as opposed to previous games only being able to connect to WiFi through no encryption, or WEP.
The games can be played on any model of DS
The games can be played on any model of DS
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Free Download Tema Windows 7 Untuk XP Terbaru 2011
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Untuk dapat menginstall tema Windows 7 untuk XP ini, Anda membutuhkan sebuah tool lain yaitu UXTheme Multi-Patcher. Dengan tool tadi Anda dapat merubah tampilan toolbar Windows XP seperti Windows 7. Semua tool tersebut sudah menjadi satu file yaitu Theme-7.rar, yang ada didalam file download.
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File tema Windows 7 untuk XP ini berupa file.rar yang besarnya kira-kira 4 MB. Pada file.rar ini terdapat beberapa file yaitu: visual style, styler tema, beberapa wallpaper, Windows 7 ViStart Skin, dan beberapa file ReadMe.txt untuk panduan cara menginstall tema Windows 7 untuk XP ini.
Untuk dapat menginstall tema Windows 7 untuk XP ini, Anda membutuhkan sebuah tool lain yaitu UXTheme Multi-Patcher. Dengan tool tadi Anda dapat merubah tampilan toolbar Windows XP seperti Windows 7. Semua tool tersebut sudah menjadi satu file yaitu Theme-7.rar, yang ada didalam file download.
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Cheat Point Blank PB 2 Maret 2011 Map Hack 02032011
Kali ini di blog dishare Cheat Point Blank 2 Maret 2011 yang masih hangat. Bisa dicoba cheat point blank ini Cheat point blank terbaru kali ini bernama Cheat Point Blank PB 2 Maret 2011 Map Hack 02032011, mudah-mudahan cheat ini bisa bermanfaat bagi agan semuanya yang lagi nyari-nyari cheat point blank pb 2 Maret 2011.
Creator :
Thanks To :
[*] All Member n Staff Blooderz(BZ)
[*] All Member n Staff N3
[*] ~(C)omander(C)~ ( My Guru )
[*] Haranobu
[*] RCD
[*] Kazukita
[*] Dan Masih Banyak Lagi
Archive Type : RAR
Included files : Straw Hat Injector.rar
Game Target : PointBlank
Anti-Cheat : AhnLab HackShield Pro
Type : Trainer / Cheat
Cheat/Trainer Effect :
[*]DM and BM to Crackdown : F11
[*]Map Hack Off : F12
Semoga cheat pb 2 Maret 2011 ini bisa bermanfaat bagi anda semua yang membutuhkannya. Bagi yang mau download cheat point blank pb 2 Maret 2011 silahkan klik disini. Notice : cheat point blank 2 Maret 2011 02032011 ini berjalan apabila sesuai dengan aturan dan tidak adanya update dadakan dari game point blank itu sendiri
Creator :
Thanks To :
[*] All Member n Staff Blooderz(BZ)
[*] All Member n Staff N3
[*] ~(C)omander(C)~ ( My Guru )
[*] Haranobu
[*] RCD
[*] Kazukita
[*] Dan Masih Banyak Lagi
Archive Type : RAR
Included files : Straw Hat Injector.rar
Game Target : PointBlank
Anti-Cheat : AhnLab HackShield Pro
Type : Trainer / Cheat
Cheat/Trainer Effect :
[*]DM and BM to Crackdown : F11
[*]Map Hack Off : F12
Semoga cheat pb 2 Maret 2011 ini bisa bermanfaat bagi anda semua yang membutuhkannya. Bagi yang mau download cheat point blank pb 2 Maret 2011 silahkan klik disini. Notice : cheat point blank 2 Maret 2011 02032011 ini berjalan apabila sesuai dengan aturan dan tidak adanya update dadakan dari game point blank itu sendiri
Cheat Ninja Saga Damage + Critical Dodge 2011
Kali ini saya share cheat ninja saga damage 2011 dan cheat ninja saga critical dodge 2011, semoga saja cheat ninja saga ini bermanfaat bagi agan-agan semuanya yang lagi mencarinya. Cheat ninja saga ini merupakan up-date terdahulu, tetapi saya rubah atau dimodifikasi agar bisa work dengan baik. Bagi yang mau coba Cheat Ninja Saga Damage + Critical Dodge 2011 silahkan ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini.
Tools :
*Cheat Engine 6.0
*Fiddler bila ada yang membuuhkan
*SWF File
Cheat Damage Ninja Saga
*Buka cheat engine 6.0
*Klik select proces to open(icon gambar komputer di pojok kanan setengah atas)
*Cari browser yang kamu pakai utk main ninja saga
*Trus klik open 5 pada kolom value type ganti dengan "Array of bytes" dan centang also scan read in-memory
*Scan kode ini 62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2 di frist scan
*Klik 2x di bawah tulisan addres(pojok kanan setengah atas)
*Di bagian bawah kan hasil dari klik 2x tadi
*Di bawah tulisan value klik 2x
*Ganti kode 62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2
* Menjadi 62 04 D3 24 64 A2 A2
Cheat Critical Dodge Ninja Saga
Note: Silahkan dicoba dulu kalau ga work lagi berarti ADDRESS HEX nya udah di rubah GM.
* Buka ninja saga
* Buka halaman profil ninja saga (letaknya ada di bawah di barisan jutsu,gear,option,mail DLL)
* Kalo dah di halaman profil…km buka Cheat Engine (CE)
* Di CE ada tuh tulisan “PROCESS” trus km cari browser yang km lg pake bwt main NS (misal km pake mozilla km cari aja “plugin-container.exe” misal pake opera km cari “opera.exe” kalo make yang lain ya sama aja , cari aja nama browsermu.
* Di CE kan ada “VALUE TYPE” klik N “pilih array of bytes” terus di bawah nya CENTANG tulisan “ALSO SCAN READ ONLY MEMORY”
* MARI KITA MULAI SCAN DENGAN CARA: masukan code A93F9A9999999999A93F ke kolom kosong di bawah tulisan “FIRST SCAN” kalo udah km klik deh tuh tombol “FIRST SCAN” setelah scan selesai maka di bagian kiri CE ada addres yang muncul. setelah itu km klik 2X addres yang paling atas agar tuh adres muncul di bawah (tab memory view).
* Gandakan addres yang ada di bawah dengan cara copy paste maka addres yang ada di bawah (memory view) otomatis menjadi dua.
* Kan ada 2 addres nih di bawah anggep aja addres (1) dan adress (2) ))) KLIK KANAN adres (1) lalu klik “set a hotkey” lalu isi dg F2 trus klik OK..klik kanan lagi trus pilih “change record” trus klik “value” NAH disitu km isi dg code: F03F000000000000F03F lalu klik OK.
* KLIK KANAN adres yang (2) lalu klik “set a hotkey” lalu isi dg F3 trus klik OK..klik kanan lagi trus pilih “change record” trus klik “value” NAH disitu km isi dg code: A93F000000000000F03F lalu klik OK.
*Jadi saat mau nyerang musuh klik dulu F3 tapi setelah menyerang secepatnya klik F2 biar ketika musuh balik menyerang bisa di tangkis. Intinya sebelum jutsu ataupun attack pake weapon klik dulu F3 tapi setelah itu langsung F2 lagi.
Semoga Cheat Ninja Saga Damage + Critical Dodge 2011 ini bisa bermanfaat bagi agan-agan semuanya, selamat mencoba yah ok dan jangan lupa juga ya baca Cheat Ninja Saga One Hit Kill Boss dan Cheat Talent Point Ninja Saga kali aja cheat ninja saga terbaru ini masih work.
Tools :
*Cheat Engine 6.0
*Fiddler bila ada yang membuuhkan
*SWF File
Cheat Damage Ninja Saga
*Buka cheat engine 6.0
*Klik select proces to open(icon gambar komputer di pojok kanan setengah atas)
*Cari browser yang kamu pakai utk main ninja saga
*Trus klik open 5 pada kolom value type ganti dengan "Array of bytes" dan centang also scan read in-memory
*Scan kode ini 62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2 di frist scan
*Klik 2x di bawah tulisan addres(pojok kanan setengah atas)
*Di bagian bawah kan hasil dari klik 2x tadi
*Di bawah tulisan value klik 2x
*Ganti kode 62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2
* Menjadi 62 04 D3 24 64 A2 A2
Cheat Critical Dodge Ninja Saga
Note: Silahkan dicoba dulu kalau ga work lagi berarti ADDRESS HEX nya udah di rubah GM.
* Buka ninja saga
* Buka halaman profil ninja saga (letaknya ada di bawah di barisan jutsu,gear,option,mail DLL)
* Kalo dah di halaman profil…km buka Cheat Engine (CE)
* Di CE ada tuh tulisan “PROCESS” trus km cari browser yang km lg pake bwt main NS (misal km pake mozilla km cari aja “plugin-container.exe” misal pake opera km cari “opera.exe” kalo make yang lain ya sama aja , cari aja nama browsermu.
* Di CE kan ada “VALUE TYPE” klik N “pilih array of bytes” terus di bawah nya CENTANG tulisan “ALSO SCAN READ ONLY MEMORY”
* MARI KITA MULAI SCAN DENGAN CARA: masukan code A93F9A9999999999A93F ke kolom kosong di bawah tulisan “FIRST SCAN” kalo udah km klik deh tuh tombol “FIRST SCAN” setelah scan selesai maka di bagian kiri CE ada addres yang muncul. setelah itu km klik 2X addres yang paling atas agar tuh adres muncul di bawah (tab memory view).
* Gandakan addres yang ada di bawah dengan cara copy paste maka addres yang ada di bawah (memory view) otomatis menjadi dua.
* Kan ada 2 addres nih di bawah anggep aja addres (1) dan adress (2) ))) KLIK KANAN adres (1) lalu klik “set a hotkey” lalu isi dg F2 trus klik OK..klik kanan lagi trus pilih “change record” trus klik “value” NAH disitu km isi dg code: F03F000000000000F03F lalu klik OK.
* KLIK KANAN adres yang (2) lalu klik “set a hotkey” lalu isi dg F3 trus klik OK..klik kanan lagi trus pilih “change record” trus klik “value” NAH disitu km isi dg code: A93F000000000000F03F lalu klik OK.
*Jadi saat mau nyerang musuh klik dulu F3 tapi setelah menyerang secepatnya klik F2 biar ketika musuh balik menyerang bisa di tangkis. Intinya sebelum jutsu ataupun attack pake weapon klik dulu F3 tapi setelah itu langsung F2 lagi.
Semoga Cheat Ninja Saga Damage + Critical Dodge 2011 ini bisa bermanfaat bagi agan-agan semuanya, selamat mencoba yah ok dan jangan lupa juga ya baca Cheat Ninja Saga One Hit Kill Boss dan Cheat Talent Point Ninja Saga kali aja cheat ninja saga terbaru ini masih work.
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine preview
"In the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war." It's this iconic catch-phrase that introduces us to the grisly war-torn world of Warhammer 40,000 Space Marine -- the new third-person action title from Vancouver-based developers Relic Entertainment.
The HD-generation, and more specifically the shooter genre has seen the phrase "space marine" earn itself something of a negative connotation as of late. What was once a simple pairing of context-related words now tends to summon the trite image of the overly buff, cigar-chomping, buzz-cutted antihero that's adorned and overstuffed GameStop shelves in every variation of the brown-grey color spectrum. Generally as deep as the bullet holes they leave behind, the idea of the space marine has, to many, become synonymous with a lack of narrative cohesion, and more often than not, an excuse to show cool stuff blowing up. In space.
These tired conventions may be one of the reasons I find myself so excited for Relic's upcoming action game, Warhammer 40K: Space Marine. The Warhammer 40K franchise is largely responsible for integrating the phrase into the gaming medium as far back as 23 years ago, yet has hardly succumbed to the same cliches many of the moniker's more contemporary carriers have. Space Marine trades brown-and-grey for bright blue and gold battle armor, chest-high cover mechanics for being the cover, and hastily constructed wartime scenarios for a fantastical universe rich with its own unique war-torn lore.
I recently took a short trip up to Vancouver, British Columbia-based Relic Entertainment where I was able to see the game in action. Having already proven their Warhammer mettle with the critically and commercially acclaimed Dawn of War series of real-time strategy titles, Space Marine serves as the studio's first foray into the realm of third-person action, and even this early on in the game's development cycle, it's obvious that the studio's talents aren't limited to the isometric playing field.
Players are set to fill the massive metal shoes of Captain Titus of the Ultramarines -- a seven-foot tall, chainsword-savvy, genetically altered Space Marine with an itchy trigger finger and a general disdain for all things Ork. Relic wants players to understand exactly what being a Space Marine entails -- namely, the honor of the samurai, the devoutness of the medieval knight, the discipline of the centurion, and the relentless nature of the Spartan. Titus is meant to act as the pinnacle of all these historical warrior archetypes: the perfect soldier in a universe populated by unending war.
We're first introduced to Titus as he rides passenger on a Valkyrie Gunship, speeding towards the Ork-infested bulk of the Imperial's weapon-harboring Mechanicus Interruptus. Pulse-pounding seconds pass before a swarm of jetpack-strapped Orks begin to speed alongside the Gunship, prompting Titus to man a stationary machine-gun turret in one of the game's first "set pieces" -- cinematic action-oriented segments meant to break up the core gameplay. Titus spends the next few minutes picking Orks out of the sky, blasting with reckless abandon -- so reckless, in fact, that he doesn't notice a gargantuan, skull-emblazoned Ork gunship creeping up from behind. The Orks begin to deploy onto the roof of Titus' gunship, prompting him to detach from the turret and manually pick them off with an assault rifle. A carefully placed shot hits an unlucky Ork right between the eyes, sending him flying into the gunship's engine turbine in a flurry of blood and flesh.
Moments later and the Valkyrie is sent plummeting towards Interruptus, prompting Titus to eject and safely land on the bulk's surface. From here, we're treated to the game's core third-person presentation: an over-the-shoulder camera angle, with Titus carrying two guns, his trusty melee chainsword, and an optional side-arm. Titus bears down on Interruptus' impressive architecture, blasting any imposing Orks in the way, their bullets pinging off the Ultramarine's iconic power armor. It's here that Space Marine's producer Raphael Van Lierop chimes in to answer the question on everyone's mind: no, Space Marine won't have any snap-to cover elements. As a Warhammer 40K property, Relic wants to ensure that Space Marine lives up to its title, offering up the one-man-army experience that the 40K lore boasts. "It's contradicting to the core fantasy of the Space Marine, which is to be a seven-foot tall marine encased in these amazing weapons. You don't need cover; you are the cover," he quips as Titus shrugs off his attackers, tossing a grenade into the distance and dispersing a tightly-knit crowd of Orks.
Following the explosion, the ground beneath Titus collapses, dropping him into an Ork-infested underground facility. It's here that we get our first glimpse at the game's melee, as Titus revs up his chainsword, swiftly slashing through an oncoming horde of enemies. He strings together three lightning-fast hits, quickly shifting from rifle and back to sword again in a near-seamless blend of shooting and melee hack-n-slash. Back to the chainsword and we're treated to an exquisitely brutal finisher, as Titus lifts a nearby Ork off the ground, tearing the unfortunate foe in half.
This level ends, but only moments later the screen lights up once more. Titus is now joined by an AI-controlled squad-mate, the two trekking through a dark mining facility where an enormous, ominous sword looms in the background.
"You're in my house now, Space Marine, and you're not welcome!" booms the gravelly voice of an Ork war boss. Within moments, the once-empty mines are overrun with swarms of Orks, and Titus and his AI compatriot are at arms. In the corner of the screen, Titus notices a hulking portable Gatling gun -- the Heavy Bolter. "We want to take advantage of 40K's big and devastating weapons," insists Van Lierop as Titus hefts the gun to his side, transforming the oncoming Orks into a series of wet stains. A distant Ork takes cover behind a chest-high metal barricade, prompting Titus to charge at and easily crash through said cover, instantly killing his foe.
Orks continue to relentlessly warp into the environment, prompting Titus to switch to a plasma gun as he races towards them, letting out a massive burst of charged energy in the process. Van Lierop cites this charged attack as one of the game's "progressive weapon abilities" -- new attacks, attributes, and ammunition types unlocked the more a player utilizes the armaments in their arsenal.
"Space Marine will take players to several key 40K locations," announces Van Lierop as the level shifts one last time. We now find Titus deployed on the back of an Ork-commandeered rail cart, speeding faster and faster towards an impending collision with an Imperial Titan Factory. Titus slashes and shoots his way through the cart, ducking behind crates of cargo as a nigh-endless supply of Ork gunships buzz overhead, lead by what appears to be the same skull-painted gunship from the demo's beginning. Titus spots another stationary turret, and, once close enough, rips the gun off its hinges, launching an all-out attack on the oncoming barrage of Orks and gunships. This scene, which brilliantly illustrates the war-fueled essence of the 40K universe, marks the demo's end.
"Space Marine is in the same class as other triple-A shooters, and even exceeds some of our competition," notes Van Lierop as the house lights return. While early impressions are sure to note the game's similarities to other HD-gen action titles, my short time with Space Marine gave a glimpse of a richly detailed shooter, steeped in a fantastical war-fueled lore that might just buck the conventions and cliches associated with its title. It's still early on in development, and both Relic and publisher THQ are remaining mum on the prospect of a release date, but here's hoping that when Space Marine does eventually hit the Xbox 360, PC, and PlayStation 3, it'll call for a revision and reinvention of the "space marine" staple.
Will Herring
Friday, February 25, 2011
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Kali ini saya akan share lagi tentang Free Download Antivirus Artav 2.6 Terbaru 2011 yang sebelumnya antivirus artav ini dengan versi artav 2.5. Mudah mudahan dengan adanya update artav dari artav 2.5 menjadi artav 2.6, bisa menjadikan antivirus artav terbaru ini menjadi antivirus no.1 di indonesia. Yang sekarang ini masih dipegang oleh antivirus smadav.
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Semoga artikel Free Download Antivirus Artav 2.6 Terbaru 2011 bisa bemanfaat bagi agan-agan semuanya. Bagi yang mau download antivirus artav 2.6 silahkan klik disini. Selalu cintailah produk indonesia dan bangga terhadap karya anak bangsa.
Sebuah antivirus karya anak bangsa Artav Antivirus ini berani mendeklarasikan bahwa dialah anti virus lokal terbaik saat ini karena anti virus ini support dengan 100% unicode system. Artav 2.6 sendiri juga memperbaiki fitur-fitur terdahulu dari berbagai anti virus lokal yang sebelumnya pernah ada. Diantaranya adalah penambahan 313 variant virus, perbaikan realtime protection, perbaikan realtime update, cool overview, perbaikan fast scanning, dan kawan-kawannya.
Perbaikan :
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-Perbaikan False Detect oleh Antivirus Luar
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-Perbaikan Online Update
-Penambahan 47 Jenis Virus
-Perbaikan Heuristic VBS
Penambahan :
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Cheat Point Blank PB 26 Februari 2011 WallHack 26022011
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*Buka Folder Cheat wallhack
*Pindahkan [Copy/Cut] Kode D3DX9_43.dl
*Paste ke My Computer - Local Disk (C:) > WINDOWS > system 32
*Buka PB lancher
*Buka FTF_inteaction 3
*Start Pb nya
*Penambahan Fitur Fire Speed + No Smoke
*klik Insert- Pilih yang akan di on kan tekan arah panah kanan
*Created ferry[FTF]
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*Buka Folder Cheat wallhack
*Pindahkan [Copy/Cut] Kode D3DX9_43.dl
*Paste ke My Computer - Local Disk (C:) > WINDOWS > system 32
*Buka PB lancher
*Buka FTF_inteaction 3
*Start Pb nya
*Penambahan Fitur Fire Speed + No Smoke
*klik Insert- Pilih yang akan di on kan tekan arah panah kanan
*Created ferry[FTF]
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Thursday, February 24, 2011
Cheat Point Blank PB 25 Februari 2011 Point Black V6 25022011
Kali ini di blog dishare Cheat Point Blank 25 februari 2011 yang masih hangat. Bisa dicoba cheat point blank ini Cheat point blank terbaru kali ini bernama Cheat Point Blank PB 25 Februari 2011 Point Black V6 25022011, mudah-mudahan cheat ini bisa bermanfaat bagi agan semuanya yang lagi nyari-nyari cheat point blank pb 25 februari 2011.
Cara Jalankan Injector
*Run Point Black V6.exe
*Start PB Kalau Tersuspend Klik "Cheat" "Start"
Feature :
[//] ADD [//]
[*] F11 = MAP HACK ON
[*] F12 = MAP HACK OFF
Note Tambahan :
*Silakan Co & Pas tapi jangan lupa nama pembuat dan sumber postnya !
*DLL jangan Di Rename
Cara pemakaian :
-Tekan Hotkey "Insert[ON] saat di dalam PB.
-Tekan Hotkey "Delete[OFF] Saat Screen Hitam untuk masuk lagi ke PB
-Tekan F12 Sebelum Play ...Terus Pas Loading Screen Pertama Pencet F12
-Timming Harus Cepet ..kalau Tidak di jamin DC
Semoga cheat pb 25 februari 2011 ini bisa bermanfaat bagi anda semua yang membutuhkannya. Bagi yang mau download cheat point blank pb 25 februari 2011 silahkan klik disini. Notice : cheat point blank 25 februari 2011 25022011 ini berjalan apabila sesuai dengan aturan dan tidak adanya update dadakan dari game point blank itu sendiri
Cara Jalankan Injector
*Run Point Black V6.exe
*Start PB Kalau Tersuspend Klik "Cheat" "Start"
Feature :
[//] ADD [//]
[*] F11 = MAP HACK ON
[*] F12 = MAP HACK OFF
Note Tambahan :
*Silakan Co & Pas tapi jangan lupa nama pembuat dan sumber postnya !
*DLL jangan Di Rename
Cara pemakaian :
-Tekan Hotkey "Insert[ON] saat di dalam PB.
-Tekan Hotkey "Delete[OFF] Saat Screen Hitam untuk masuk lagi ke PB
-Tekan F12 Sebelum Play ...Terus Pas Loading Screen Pertama Pencet F12
-Timming Harus Cepet ..kalau Tidak di jamin DC
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Cheat Ninja Saga 10 Maret 2011
Kali ini saya akan share cheat ninja saga 10 Maret 2011 cheat ninja saga untuk membuat char baru. Semoga saja cheat ini bisa bermanfaat bagi agan-agan semua yang mencarinya.
Tools yang diperlukan :
* Cheat Engine 6.0
* Browser
Tutorial : Cheat Ninja Saga 10 Maret 2011
*Login NS
*Scan tokenmu(misal 100 trus first scan)
*Buka headquarters
*Convert 1 token
*Kan toenmu jadi 99 tulis 99 lalu next scan
*Ketemu 1 addres
*Ganti address misal xxxxxxA8+4
*Ganti value jadi 2
*Kan masih ada address tokenya yg tadi yg xxxxxxA8 munkin address kalian beda
*Yg tadi kan xxxxxxA8+4 sekarang xxxxxxA8+10
*Valuenya kan 2 ganti jadi 1
Cara Bikin Char Baru
*Dari daftar friend yg dibawah klik kiri trus klik ''play''
*Ulangi langkah diatas
*Liat status premium user trus bikin Char deh kalo ingin bikin Char lagi ulangi langkah diatas
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Tools yang diperlukan :
* Cheat Engine 6.0
* Browser
Tutorial : Cheat Ninja Saga 10 Maret 2011
*Login NS
*Scan tokenmu(misal 100 trus first scan)
*Buka headquarters
*Convert 1 token
*Kan toenmu jadi 99 tulis 99 lalu next scan
*Ketemu 1 addres
*Ganti address misal xxxxxxA8+4
*Ganti value jadi 2
*Kan masih ada address tokenya yg tadi yg xxxxxxA8 munkin address kalian beda
*Yg tadi kan xxxxxxA8+4 sekarang xxxxxxA8+10
*Valuenya kan 2 ganti jadi 1
Cara Bikin Char Baru
*Dari daftar friend yg dibawah klik kiri trus klik ''play''
*Ulangi langkah diatas
*Liat status premium user trus bikin Char deh kalo ingin bikin Char lagi ulangi langkah diatas
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Marvel vs. Capcom 3 fate of the two world
Street Fighter IV is the Beethoven's Fifth of fighting games. All weighty drama, considered changes and measured movements, it's an experience that heaves and builds to a studied climax. There are fireworks and flames, sure, but they are yoked to tradition, and for all the screen-filling Ultra finishes the game maintains a Ryu-like distinguished grace.
Marvel vs. Capcom 3, by contrast, is the Flight of the Bumblebee. Fast-moving and skittish, it creates its drama by bamboozling the mind with blink-and-you'll-miss-it florid action. The tradition here belongs to comic books, not martial arts, and Capcom's artists have been egged on to create ever more outlandish, screen-filling, Wolverine *KAPOW*.
Historically, the Marvel vs. Capcom series has been viewed as a light-hearted enterprise, an upbeat crossover to entertain the Westerners. Certainly this was true of the first arcade release, a game intended to introduce Capcom's poster boys and girls to comic book fans, and not much else.
But with the second game, thanks to the original title's popularity in the States, Capcom increased the complexity to turn a throwaway fighter into something worthy of tournament play. The shift was best exemplified by Magneto, by far the most technical character in the game, around whom high level play began to revolve.
Fast forward to 2006, and Yoshinori Ono convinces Capcom's top brass to let him start work on a new Street Fighter. Ono is paired with Ryota Niitsuma, and the two work together on creating the fighting game that will go on to spark a revival in the genre.
But, according to Capcom insiders, at some point, the two fall out. Niitsuma leaves the Street Fighter team to begin work on Tatsunoku vs. Capcom, while Ono starts work on Super Street Fighter IV. Following the success of his Wii project, Niitsuma is offered the chance to do to the Marvel vs. Capcom series what Ono was allowed to do to Street Fighter: update it for a contemporary audience.
Why is this petty company rivalry relevant? Because it goes some way to explaining why Marvel vs. Capcom 3, far from being a throwaway distraction, has been turned into a deep and complex fighter. Sure, there is an immediacy to it, an emphasis on simple-to-execute special moves that can give the impression of shallowness. But underneath the hood this is a complex beast, intended by its creator to stand toe-to-toe with Capcom's other great fighter in the ring.
That said, the two are very different. While Marvel vs. Capcom 3's vocabulary consists of Hadouken quarter circles and Shoryuken zigzags, the grammar and phrasing is completely new. Players hoping their Street Fighter IV game will be transferable will leave disappointed. Marvel vs. Capcom 3 requires you to go back to basics and – if you want to do anything more than splash around in the shallow end – re-build your game from the ground up.
As in the previous titles in the series, at a basic level play revolves around light to medium to hard combos. Land a light attack and you almost always follow up with a medium and then hard attack, and the sooner you learn to perform this piano finger arpeggio on instinct, the sooner you'll move towards proficiency.
A simple combo can usually be finished with a tap of the launch button, which will send your opponent into the air. Jump up after them and you can continue with a string of airborne attacks before rounding off with a special meter-draining Hyper Combo attack, or, alternatively, a tap-out to one of your other characters, who is able to continue the combo.
In this three-on-three fighter, you can either call on one of your back-up characters to pop in for a momentary attack by tapping their respective button, or tag them in to continue the fight by holding it down. As you fight you incur two types of damage: normal damage and red damage. Tag a character out and their red damage will replenish while they are 'sitting on the bench', so making careful use of your characters over the course of a match is a key tactical consideration.
Many basic attacks share the same input motions across the full roster of 36 characters, particularly the Hyper Combos, Marvel vs. Capcom's take on Street Fighter IV's Ultras, of which each character has numerous variations. The simplification of move sets and the reduction in the number of attack buttons from Marvel vs. Capcom 2's four down to three are changes intended to broaden the game's accessibility.
Simon Parkin
Batman: Arkham City Preview
Arkham Asylum is a home for the ‘criminally insane’. The prisoners there are the most dangerous people in the Batman universe. It makes Gotham’s plan to let them loose in their own neighbourhood beyond dumb. But dumb ideas make for interesting games.
rkham City expands everything that made 2009’s third-person action game Arkham Asylum so much fun: five times more space for the criminals to settle into and for Batman to roam, more Batpunches in his repertoire, and a better class of criminal with Two-Face, Catwoman, the Riddler and Professor Hugo Strange joining the Joker and his team of jesters. And an expanded arsenal of gadgets and weapons expands the previous game’s tally.
Arkham Asylum was hardly cramped, but now there’s more vertical space to take advantage of. Taking cues from both the Assassin’s Creed and Just Cause series, Bats will be able to climb on almost anything, using telephone wires to silently get around, topping buildings to get a view on the criminal scum below before leaping off like a leathery missile. He can even use his grappling hook to boost into the air and insta-glide.
The slick combo fighting system, which gave Batman the edge over multiple foes in the asylum, has been tweaked. Bats is now able to counter multiple attacks from all angles, and a perfectly timed attack has a chance to instantly take down a thug. More excitingly, there’s a new beatdown mechanic, where you simply unload a flurry of blows into a single enemy, letting loose all that inner violence that the Caped Crusader keeps suppressed.
There’s a greater focus on environmental violence: you can counter any tossed projectile, or turn Bruce into one, launching from walls to fly into enemies like a gimp rocket. He also has access to his gadgets in fights. Where previously he could only use his grapple and Batarang, the expanded use of his gadgets means he’ll be able to spray his enemies with his wall-wrecking explosive gel. I predict that becoming my main tactic.
And then there’s detective mode, little more than an interactive map in Arkham Asylum that gave you trails to follow. This time around, the forensic portions of the game will require proper sleuthing, more like the puzzles the Riddler left for Batman to solve in the mental hospital. In one instance, Batman has to work out where a sniper is hidden, back-tracing the bullet’s trajectory. Your investigations will lead you to the side-missions that litter Gotham’s streets.
With so much space to fill, Arkham City will be jammed things to do and riddles to puzzle over, and there’s not a lot of competition for it on the horizon. It’ll be 2011’s premium prisoner puncher.
Craig Pearson
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Cheat Point Blank PB 24 Februari 2011 Repack V1.4 24022011
Kali ini di blog dishare Cheat Point Blank 24 februari 2011 yang masih hangat. Bisa dicoba cheat point blank ini Cheat point blank terbaru kali ini bernama Cheat Point Blank PB 24 Februari 2011 Repack V1.4 24022011, mudah-mudahan cheat ini bisa bermanfaat bagi agan semuanya yang lagi nyari-nyari cheat point blank pb 24 februari 2011.
[*] AƖƖ Member n Staff Blooderz(BZ)
[*] Aziman (Yang PUnya DLL MH )
[*] Haranobu
[*] RCD
[*] PheonxN2
[*] Dan Masih Banyak Lagi
Cheat/Trainer Effect Cheat Point Blank 24022011 24 Februari 2011 Repack V1.4 :
[*]DM аnԁ BM tο Crackdown : F11
[*]Map Hack Off : F12
[*]Minimize : Inesert (Nο Off)
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[*] AƖƖ Member n Staff Blooderz(BZ)
[*] Aziman (Yang PUnya DLL MH )
[*] Haranobu
[*] RCD
[*] PheonxN2
[*] Dan Masih Banyak Lagi
Cheat/Trainer Effect Cheat Point Blank 24022011 24 Februari 2011 Repack V1.4 :
[*]DM аnԁ BM tο Crackdown : F11
[*]Map Hack Off : F12
[*]Minimize : Inesert (Nο Off)
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Dead Space 2 Review
When it comes to survival horror games, the franchise that has long worn the crown is Resident Evil. There have been many strong contenders over the years, but few have been able to maintain the level of quality needed to generate excitement for what is something of a niche market. It also hurts that for every good survival horror title, there have been some bad ones. Really awful games that tried the patience of even the biggest fan. So to stand out in that genre, you really need to come out with something memorable and well made. And for the second time since 2008, EA and Visceral Games have done just that.
Despite a few reservations (mainly to do with the reliance on backtracking-style missions), I loved the first Dead Space. The sci-fi setting was a nice twist to the survival horror genre and it presented moments of truly crushing solitude as you fought your way through a location that was isolated in deep space, as well as moments of jaw dropping awe. The first time you see the shattered moon Aegis VII through the mangled hull of the USG Ishimura still stands out among the cooler moments in video gamedom, and that was just one of several memorable scenes.
Dead Space 2 takes what works from the original game and does not attempt to reinvent it, rather it simply adds to it — sometimes to a fault. If the style of the original game was not for you, then the sequel won’t be either. Almost nothing has changed between the two games in terms of gameplay. There are a few minor tweaks, and the character movements are a bit less stiff than before, but the mechanics remain the same. The game delivers an incredible atmosphere and the pacing is designed so well that the lack of new tricks isn’t a major deal, but it is surprising. Ultimately it doesn’t matter though because the game is good enough that you overlook the minor stuff.
The campaign for Dead Space 2 plays out like a movie, forcing you through a sick and twisted world down a very linear story and path. The pacing is handled with a cinematic feel in mind, and you can tell that a great deal of care was put into the flow of the game. Often you will be alone, walking through deserted hallways when suddenly the world goes insane and you are forced to fight off waves of enemies that want to do terrible things to you. Then just as suddenly as it began, you will find yourself alone again, only this time far more paranoid. Dead Space 2 offers a few legitimate scares, and more than once you will find yourself on edge while nervously looking for supplies.
Of every survival horror title made, Dead Space 2 is among the very best at balancing the supplies versus the action, constantly keeping you nervous about your health and ammo. Several times you will leave a fight injured and with no ammo, but proud to have survived. That is due to the work of Visceral Games, and they deserve recognition for it.
As far as the negatives, there are only a handful of new weapons which is a shame, and there are sections that become repetitive. A few times you will feel like you have fallen into a pattern which robs the game of much of the thrill of the next attack or scare, but in general the game moves at a solid pace. There are a few things that prevent Dead Space 2 from receiving perfect marks, but it is still one of the best survival horror games around, and it sets a new high water mark for the genre.
Ryan Fleming
Sid Meier’s Civilization V review
Defying the urge to phone-in an unambitious sequel and coast on past successes, Sid Meier’s Civilization V is anything but a lazy rehash. It feels almost as if someone described the concept of the renowned 19-year-old turn-based strategy series to a talented designer who’d never played it, and let him come up with his own version. It’s similar enough to be familiar to veterans, different enough to be fresh, and its polish and accessibility make it a great place for new players to pick up one hell of a Civ addiction.
At a foundational level, it’s very familiar. You begin with a single settler in 4000 BC, and over the next 6,050 years you lead your fledgling nation turn-by-turn as you found a city, research technologies, raise an army, build history’s greatest man-made wonders, expand to a sprawling empire and finally make your play for world domination – all in competition with other nations.
Graphics may be superficial in a game like this, but it has to be said that Civ V is indisputably the best looking turn-based strategy game ever made. The painterly art style of the randomly-generated virgin landscape you see when starting a new game feels like Monet meets Google Maps, with bright colors and stunning attention to detail. Zooming in on a tile with a fur resource shows a pair of foxes frolicking together. Cattle, sheep, horses and elephants graze their respective tiles indicating sources of food, mounts and ivory, and in the hypnotically glistening ocean you can see whales breaching and schools of fish swimming beneath the surface. It’s the most beautiful, lively virtual game board you’ve ever seen.
Things are equally impressive when humans arrive and start paving over the natural beauty. There are several distinct styles to cities from different cultures (Asian, European, African, etc.) and not only do the bonus-giving Great Wonders, like the Pyramids or the Statue of Liberty, appear on the map, you can actually see them under construction. After staring almost unblinkingly at these images for dozens of hours, I really appreciated the craftsmanship here.
Under the striking visual layer are innumerable changes to the usual Civ gameplay. Some seem like a bigger deal than they actually are—going in, I’d expected the most dramatic one would be the shift from the traditional map of a grid of squares to Civ V’s honeycomb of hexagons. In practice, this turned out to be one of the least transformative changes—after just a few minutes of ordering around my units I barely noticed the difference, and I never once found myself pining for the old squares. Likewise, though I wasn’t certain about it for the first dozen hours or so, the new super-friendly interface has grown on me quite a bit, despite its almost over-eagerness to move things along.
This is war
In reality, the most revolutionary renovation is warfare. When nations collide, this is far and away the most tactically deep Civ ever. In board game terms, Civ I through IV are like Risk, where you can stack all your armies on one space and march around the world conquering everything in your path. Civ V scraps that system in favor of something more like global-scale chess, where each space can only be occupied by one combat unit at a time, and some, like archers and artillery, can attack over a distance.
This changes absolutely everything about the way war is fought, and almost entirely for the better. Unit positioning matters almost as much as having the most technologically advanced military—and it’s far more than just placing your spearman on a defensible hill or forest tile. You’ve also got to take into account if you’re attacking across a river, flanking bonuses (putting two of your units adjacent to an enemy unit), any bombardment units or aircraft in range and the huge impact of the presence of a Great General. Plus, cities are now formidable combat units themselves with built-in defenses, and never give up without a fight.
It took a bit of practice to learn how to plan my troop movements to avoid slapstick-comedy traffic jams and bottlenecks, but once I got the hang of it I found it to be extremely nuanced. I had to pause and consider how to approach an enemy city, since charging in unprepared risks annihilation by an inferior but better-prepared opponent.
Combat is so engrossing that my first few games were all about conquest, even though I initially set out to win by being the first nation to research, build and launch a spaceship to another solar system. I couldn’t resist going on rampages, wiping out other nations in ’self defense’. Oh, so I took St. Petersburg and now you want to negotiate peace, huh? Well too freaking bad! You shoulda thought of that before you decided to take a shot at me, Catherine the Great.
This is a huge step forward for Civ warfare, but it isn’t perfect. Having to move each unit individually rather than in stacked groups makes moving a large force around pretty tedious. A bigger problem is the AI, which can’t grasp the subtleties—it has a bad habit of wheeling its long-range artillery directly up to my melee units. On higher difficulty levels the AI simply gets a resource boost to overwhelm you with numbers, rather than any more tactical smarts.
When AI attacks
That’s not to say it’s easy to tackle—at this point any difficulty level higher than the “normal” Prince level beats me up and takes my national lunch money —but some victories felt undeserved.
Playing against human players solves that problem, and Civ V’s slew of flexible options let you scale a standard game’s marathon length down to a more manageable couple of hours. Sadly, the battles don’t work quite as well in the confusing, simultaneous turn-based multiplayer, where all players are all moving their pieces in no particular sequence at the same time. It’s messy and unpredictable, especially coming from the orderly turn-taking of single-player. It’s still fun, just … uncivilized.
In some ways, though, the AI impressed me. Leaders are perceptive enough to pop up and inform me that they’re not going to stand for my massing armies on their borders. That said, diplomacy could stand to be a little more transparent—sudden declarations of war caught me totally off guard, like when, after a long period of peace and mutually beneficial trade relations with Gandhi’s India, the little bald jerk allied with Japan to invade my Roman Empire without provocation. Think about that for a second: I was attacked by Gandhi. It’s hard not to take that personally.
While combat has become more complex and more demanding of your attention, other areas have been mercifully simplified to prevent mental overload. You couldn’t ask for better city automation tools—if you want, you never have to do anything besides pick what you want your cities to build. In a big divergence from past Civs, the populations of cities don’t have individual moods, but all contribute to a national happiness level that can boost you into a super-productive golden age or drag you down into stagnation. It’s a simple concept to grasp, and it requires far less micromanagement because you’re able to build a lot of happiness-producing structures in successful cities that balance out discontent elsewhere.
Policy upgrades
Likewise, the new government system does its best to avoid over-complicating itself. It’s essentially a set of 10 RPG-style skill trees that allow you to shape your government over time, rather than make an abrupt shift from a republic to communism.
When you’ve built up some culture points, you unlock policy categories one at a time, then spend points within those categories to unlock specialized bonuses that boost your economy, army, research or other trait. It didn’t require me to cripple myself to experiment—some choices are better than others for certain situations, but they’re all useful, and timely policy unlocks saved my bacon more than once. When I nearly drove my empire into financial ruin with military unit upkeep costs, I unlocked the base level of the Autocracy tree. Instantly my unit maintenance cost was reduced by a third, balancing the budget and netting me a nice surplus. However, in doing so, I closed off the Liberty and Freedom trees and their bonuses to population growth and culture generation. Still, sacrifices must be made in war.
One other area has seen a rise in complexity: I’m a big fan of the way that Civ V treats strategic resources like horses, coal and uranium. If I only have one horse available, I can only build one mounted unit. It makes such resources feel much more valuable and worth trading and fighting for. Technology is also precious: unlike previous Civs, in this one you can’t swap technologies with your allies for quick advancement. I had to look at resource management in a whole new way: if I didn’t research it, I didn’t get it. It makes catching up from a tech deficit significantly more difficult, too, so I felt particularly motivated to prioritise meeting the efforts of my nation’s needs.
Along with bands of roving hostile barbarians, Civ V’s maps come pre-populated with city-states, single-city civilizations which are basically Civ’s equivalent of quest-giving NPCs. Keep them happy and safe, and they’ll reward you with alliances, trade goods, culture points and even free military units.
They may not have the personality or megalomaniacal ambition of full-fledged nations, but they’re an entertaining addition—especially when they put hits out on their neighboring city-states. It’s a little disappointing that pretty much the only way to reliably keep them on side for long is to pay for their friendship, but when you tire of their insolence you can just conquer them like any other city.
Conquer and rule
What to do with a city when you conquer it? Civ V gave me an interesting new option alongside annexing your prize directly and burning it to the ground: installing a puppet ruler who would run the city as an independent subsidiary of your empire, kicking up all the profits generated but not allowing you to dictate what it builds. As a mostly conquest-oriented player more interested in warfare than hands-on governing, I found this option invaluable, since it averted the nation-wide buzzkill that accompanies an occupied populace and staves off the end-game doldrums of past Civs, in which turns took forever because you had to do everything yourself.
I’m going to be playing Civ V for a very, very long time. The freedom to pursue multiple victories—domination, scientific, cultural, diplomatic or simply running out the calendar with the highest score—combined with the wide range of interesting faction bonuses and unique units makes it almost endlessly replayable. (You may have heard that Civ V will have launch-day DLC for sale, peddling an extra Babylonian faction, but take my word for it: the 18 off-the-shelf factions are plenty.)
As for where this game fits into the series, Civilization V isn’t necessarily a definitively ‘better’ empire-building game on Civilization IV – as that would be almost impossible. This is more of an equal that exists in parallel, offering a fresh and invigorating style of play with more emphasis on combat.
Civ V isn’t simply a rehash of what came before with better graphics (though it has those, too): it’s a whole new world with a whole new set of rich, intricate rules to master. It’s also impossible for a strategy fan to resist picking up … or to quit.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Crysis 2 Preview
Wheeee! The bit of Crysis 2’s collapsed New York that I’m playing in has a makeshift slide – about 20 feet of wet, sloping concrete. If I sprint at it and duck, I launch my nanosuited mega-soldier into a high-speed bumslide. Hence the wheee.
There’s an alien at the bottom, and he’s blocking my path. The bastard, no one gets in the way of my bumslide. I’m going to kick him. I tap left mouse as I near the alien’s lower body and boot his legs out from under him. Propelled by my strength-augmented shoes, he flies backwards, crumpling into a pile next to a wrecked bus. I should really go and make sure he’s dead, but instead I run back around to the top of the slide. I combo’d a bumslide. Wheee!
It’s about this point that I realise I’m actually saying “wheee!” out loud and three or four of Crytek Frankfurt’s staff are milling around behind my PC, whispering to each other. One comes over. “Hey, so, that door over there is where you need to go.” I look at him with the pleading eyes of a man enjoying a bumslide, and he smiles wanly back at me. I go back to the top of the ramp one last time and “wheee!” under my breath.
I decide to try it his way for a while, and move into the next section. Crysis 2’s New York is more organic than I’d expected: water flows from broken pipes to form makeshift rivers, grass and trees jut up from under the concrete. The fallen masonry has carved a path that enables freeform firefights – a choke point, followed by a wider area, corralled into another choke. Crytek call these sections ‘action bubbles’. It’s a formula the Halo series has experimented with to much success, but it doesn’t immediately tally with the first Crysis’s open manmurdering environs.
Past one doorway, and there’s an alien with his back to me. I can’t see how he didn’t hear all that bumsliding commotion, but he seems oblivious to my presence – most likely because I’ve engaged my nanosuit’s cloak and am now completely invisible. I’ve got a few options. I can empty a magazine into the base of his spine, but that’s boring. I can move closer and snap his neck with one swift motion, but I’m saving that treat for later. Or I can punch a burnt-out car so hard that it lifts off and twats into his back, then hurl this trolley I’m holding squarely at his armoured skull. Did I mention I picked up a trolley? I was cradling it during the bumslides.
Guess which one I did? As the trolley bounced off my foe’s head, it made a small clang. Turning round, I saw the Crytek guys. They were whispering again.
Crysis made you feel like an angry extension of the island you were dropped onto. The nanosuit was the star – letting players rise from the sea or the forest like a vengeful, invisible god and smash the teeth out of any ill-fated Koreans who happened to be milling about. Crysis 2 takes this empowerment, keeps it, and hones it. Five nanosuit powers have become two and a half: strength and cloak being the alternate states it can flip to, while speed is a sprint key and an increased jump. All drain your suit’s energy, but combining something like cloak and speed means you get a limited window of invisible mid-air fun before you’re dry on juice and visible again.
At the moment, the window to use suit energy successfully is tight. I found myself misjudging distances, flipping to cloak mode and launching myself at full speed towards a flock of enemies who hadn’t seen me yet, only to fizzle into visibility a few feet from their position and face their combined fire. Waltzing into a combined onslaught felt imprecise, so much light and sound thunking into my suit’s visor that I couldn’t see an exit, let alone plan a defensive stand. Part of me wants unlimited energy to dick about in peace. I put this to Crytek’s CEO, Cervat Yerli. “There was a version of that game about a year ago where we dropped energy to see what happened, but it felt wrong. We tried solutions to counter having infinite stealth – like if you run it flickers slightly – but there were still drawbacks.”
The increased vulnerability made me plan my rampages before engaging. To compensate and encourage that kind of behaviour, Crytek have introduced a tactical assessment mode. ‘Magic goggles’, essentially, the assessment view can be flipped on to note targets and track them as they move around the map and behind cover. After an acclimatisation period, it made my sprees much more focused and efficient – by the time I’d removed my armour-enhanced hands from the throat of one foe, I was already spinning to face my next target, rifle raised.
The tactical assessment view opens up another layer to the game, as Cervat explains. “The scan you get back makes three or four recommendations. You can mark the recommendations and they usually show you a way of taking advantage of a path you might not have chosen.” I tried this out on my fourth attempt at the first action bubble I played. On previous runthroughs, I’d gone for close-range firefights, but with a sweep of the tactical assessment view, I clocked a sniper rifle away from the action. Engaging cloak, I whizzed past a set of dimwitted aliens and hopped up to the ledge it was on. Shouldering it and hunkering down behind cover, I swept the field one last time to get a bead on my targets before pop-pop-popping three headshots off to kill them all without dirtying my nice new nanosuit.
This action bubble was one of the largest I played, yet thanks to the highrise architecture it felt tighter and closer to a standard FPS than Crysis’s expansive setting. I asked Cervat if the games were comparable in level size. “In metres, they’re going to be smaller, but they’re about the same because we’re pushing the height. Crysis was a sandbox, but it was a 2D game: you’re just walking left, right, forward, back, and sometimes you jump. Crysis 2 is a voluminous experience.”
The switch brings its own challenges for the development team. “That requires awesome AI to take advantage of the volume, that traverses the buildings and jumps between different levels. It took 18 months to get an AI we’re happy with that can follow you in 3D, and isn’t scripted.”
My own playtime with the game didn’t allow me to really push the enemy AI, but I did enjoy their realistic line of sight: my standard reaction to getting shot at was to duck behind a box, and pop my head quickly round one side, before turning cloak mode on and rushing round the other to blindside my confused opponents. If I could get a bumslide involved in the process, all the better. Seeing their confused alien faces staring at where I last was instead of tracking my ghost was reassuring – definitely a refreshing change from Crysis’ omnipotent magic-men who shot you in the head from their perches on the moon.
The series’ alien obsession continues into the second game, despite a less than favourable reaction to their floaty appearance in Crysis. This time around they’re humanoid, and their armoured heads are topped off with fleshy dreadlocks, making them look like a Predator. When they move, they gallumph around the map, limbs jiggling – making them look like a Predator after a few pints when his favourite song comes on. There’s currently a connection missing in close-range battles between player and aliens. Their armour dispels a lot of damage from your puny human guns, which makes gunfights into extended hosing sessions, repeated until the requisite squishy bit is exposed and the game tells them to fall over. It should be stated that this kind of thing is subject to heavy balance tweaks as the game progresses, but in eschewing foes as human as the first game’s panicked Koreans, it’s hard to feel truly connected to scraps.
Crytek are pushing that connection this time around, leaning so heavily on the game’s story that they hired a proper book writer and everything. Richard Morgan – sci-fi author and the project’s story lead – explained his take on Crysis 2’s plot. “We’re looking for a reboot as far as the console market’s concerned. At the same time, we’ve got this history with the PC, and a set of fans we don’t want to let down.” How do you do that, then? “The trick is to create enough stuff that goes back to the original game so fans will recognise it, go ‘ah!’ when they see it.” Not that Crysis had any particular resonance as a narrative experience – Richard charitably describes the plot as ‘flimsy’.
But Crysis 2’s main character is constantly clad head to toe in a buttockhuggingly tight suit packed with tiny friendly robots. I asked Richard how you make a man who looks like the inside of a bicep into a character. “The suit isn’t a problem, because that’s the FPS dynamic. You have to reflect everything back onto the NPCs. It was very important to me to have reactions from the NPCs to this guy in the suit, so you can see the questions they raise.” Crysis 2 seems keen to tell its story by reflection and osmosis, rather than stamping it in cutscenes, and that extends to the architecture. Graffiti around a choke point made reference to ‘them’ lying about where the game’s alien invaders originate from. Intrigue! Delicious intrigue.
The ‘series reboot’ that Richard Morgan mentioned has been reflected in Crysis 2’s multiplayer. It’s been beefed up and farmed out to Crytek UK – the team who used to be Free Radical, the developers of multiplayer console shooter extraordinaire, TimeSplitters. That legacy shows. A short interlude – this is the bit where people who like to use words such as ‘consoleification’ should probably put this magazine down and start running around the room with their arms waving. For those still reading, I’ll put it out there now: Crysis 2’s multiplayer is already sharp and well polished, if completely different to the first game’s cursory multiplayer addition.
Like the singleplayer level structure, multiplayer feels like Halo. Each player, as well as the standard suit armour/speed/ cloak suit skills, gets to choose two perks and two weapons, varying builds from sprinting shotgun bastard to invisible sniper bastard and all bastards in between. Despite the fact I was playing three-month old code, guns already felt right – the armour suit mode offered enough protection to make it noticeably worth using, even against heavy weaponry.
The game’s Crash Site mode works like a king of the hill match, intertwined with the series’ fiction: an alien drop pod whirrs around the map, hocking up gobs of alien junk that your team has to stand next to for a short time for some reason. Fancying myself a dab hand with a sniper class, I took cover behind a crate overlooking one of these objectives. With a corridor viewpoint and invisibility on tap, I was able to squeeze off killshots before rippling into the dark – until one of my opponents hurled himself from the top of a parking garage, fist-first, onto my exposed head. His ground-pound smushed me into the concrete, the perfect deployment of a multiplayer special skill.
Crysis 2 feels like what you’d get if someone explained the first Crysis when heavily sedated. The freedom and lethality of the first game are there in spirit, but they’re given a more focused approach: Crysis 2 is much more driven, a sharpened point to Crysis’s slug. The problem with following such a seminal title is the weight of expectation. My advice is to drop that weight, and just enjoy Crysis 2’s bumsliding ride.
Dragon Age 2 Feels like a Blend of World of Warcraft, Dragon Age, and Kill Bill
Like anyone else who's been following Dragon Age 2, I've been hearing the same quips about, "hit a button and something awesome happens" or how "visceral" the combat is. While I don't adopt the "they're pulling a Mass Effect 2 on Dragon Age: Origins" stance, I still usually sort of roll my eyes and think, "whatever" when I hear those phrases; but after playing about an hour-and-a-half of Dragon Age 2, I have to admit that those sorts of phrases aren't entirely inaccurate. Playing on both the PC and the Xbox360, it's safe to say that Dragon Age 2 isn't a Mass Effect 2-style "strip down the RPG elements and turn it into an action game with RPG touches" endeavor -- it's more of "take Dragon Age, and make it a bit better, prettier, and faster."
That last point stands out the most for me. Make no mistake: Dragon Age 2 isn't suddenly an action game with stats -- you still issue commands to your party members, and you can still pause during combat (easily done on PC by hitting the spacebar, and using radial menus a la like the previous game) to figure out the situation. Though, in DAO, there was a sort of lackadaisical attitude in your characters when it came to combat. The simple act of issuing an attack order usually translated into the directed character sort of lollygagging their way to their target, and then enacting a slow attack animation. Getting a rogue to the proper position for a backstab attack was a pain-and-a-half due to the lack of walking speed. Not so with Dragon Age 2 anymore.
The developers have made a bunch of little tweaks and touches to the battle animations and abilities, which makes combat seemingly flow a lot faster now. A backstab now has the rogue dropping a smoke bomb and then instantly popping up to the victim from behind. A shield bash command no longer has the warrior slowly amble forth and then halfheartedly hit his target -- he now plows forward (resembling some sort of medieval linebacker) and you can see the character model putting his shoulder into the resultant bash. The rogue no longer fishes a grenade and lightly tosses it towards the cluster of foes; she quickly tosses it in the air and then kicks it towards her victims. Another nice touch: in DA, an archer rogue's melee attack was to simply perform the same arrow-shooting animation, but for DA2, the archer quickly takes out a dagger with his offhand and repeatedly stabs the target.
While the combat looks and feels faster thanks to animation tweaks (while still maintaining the core mechanics of the previous game), the main visual change comes from the over-the-top violence. At times, combat resembles a scene out of Kill Bill and Monty Python & The Holy Grail simultaneously. When a rogue uses both of her daggers to chop someone in half, we see a copious spray of blood, flying chunks of viscera, and are left with a pair of freestanding legs. When a warrior delivers a killing blow with a huge overhand strike, the resultant bloodspray looks downright fountain-like. The warrior-specific ability to simply charge in a circle usually results in instantly disemboweling most foes in the area. The way your characters get covered in blood still looks comical, but the amount of sheer bodily carnage that happens during the course of a single battle provides a bit of a better explanation for said appearance now.
Thierry Nguyen
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Monday, February 21, 2011
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Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light Review
Lara has had a lot of makeovers and facelifts over the years, changing studios, actors, and whole storylines with alarming regularity for long-term fans. This is the first time that Eidos has given the main face of the of the series a complete genre overhaul, though, swapping the usual third-person antics for a top-down, two-player take on the tomb raiding profession.
Hell, Eidos has even changed the name – dropping the Tomb Raider tag in favour of something more focused on Lara herself. Oh, and the Guardian of Light, don’t forget him!
With all that obviousness in mind, it’s the strangest thing to find that the core gameplay hasn’t actually changed all that much. You’re playing from a new perspective and Eidos has upped the pace of things so that it at times feels evocative of Diablo or Torchlight…but underneath all that, it’s still good ol’ Tomb Raider. In fact, there’s arguably more actual raiding of tombs in The Guardian of Light than there has been in other recent games.
The storytelling however is noticeably abrupt and doesn’t quite measure up to the level of the previous Legend and Underworld. The opening pretty much begins with “There’s a mythical artefact called the Mirror of Smoke which has been lost for centuries” – followed seconds later by “Oh, here it is!”
Thankfully, that’s only the starting point and what Lara now lacks in emotional import it now makes up for in pace. There’s no faffing about and by the time the opening sequence is done with, it’s all spelled out; basically Lara, at gunpoint, is forced to retrieve an ancient artefact for mercenaries who then accidentally unleash an Aztec devil. It falls to Lara and a resurrected Aztec warrior, Totec, to save the world and put the genie back in his bottle.
What follows is a blisteringly quick romp through all sorts of ancient ruins which mix classic Tomb Raider puzzle-solving with an overt arcade focus of a type that hasn’t been seen in Tomb Raider before. In co-op play each player gets a score counter, which swells visibly with every monster killed, urn broken and giant floating diamond run over. Onlookers may have described the action as Tomb Raider meets Diablo, but in truth it feels more like Tomb Raider meets Mario at times.
That said, there are still RPG influences. Lara and Totec collect different weapons as they progress through the levels, moving from pistols and spears to shotguns, rifles and even flamethrowers. It’s odd to see that Lara, who’s adventures usually only involve killing a few dozen tigers, is called to murder giant spiders by the hundreds in the opening levels of Guardian, but it feels good too.
It’s important to note how well the game is balanced too. Unlike the comparable co-op shooter Alien Swarm, Lara works perfectly well if you’re not playing in co-op mode and does a decent job of scaling to single-player styles. If you’re low on pals or if you just want to play the first run solo then you’ll have nothing to worry about, as in many ways that’s how the game is best experienced. A second player will only slow you down as you’re forced to coordinate tactics.
Joe Martin
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StarCraft II: Heart Of The Swarm Coming Eighteen Months After Wings Of Liberty

In a few months Blizzard will release StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, which includes the Terran single-player campaign as well as the full multiplayer component. Blizzard believes that the first expansion will arrive about a year and a half later.
"We're estimating about 18 months from release of Wings of Liberty to when the next one comes out," lead producer Chris Sigaty told Shacknews. "That's purely speculative, honestly."
Sigaty continued: "Historically, it's taken us about a year-WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne is a good example-but you'll see the sum-total package [in Wings of Liberty] has raised the bar and there's a lot more to do with StarCraft II's expansions. I think 18 months is probably fairly accurate."
Wings is targeted for a mid-year release, which would mean the expansion could arrive in late 2011. The first expansion, called Heart of the Swarm, will have a single-player campaign for the Zerg. The trilogy will be completed by Legacy of the Void, which stars the Protoss. Assuming they adhere to this 18 month schedule, that would put Legacy as a mid-2013 release.
"We're estimating about 18 months from release of Wings of Liberty to when the next one comes out," lead producer Chris Sigaty told Shacknews. "That's purely speculative, honestly."
Sigaty continued: "Historically, it's taken us about a year-WarCraft III: The Frozen Throne is a good example-but you'll see the sum-total package [in Wings of Liberty] has raised the bar and there's a lot more to do with StarCraft II's expansions. I think 18 months is probably fairly accurate."
Wings is targeted for a mid-year release, which would mean the expansion could arrive in late 2011. The first expansion, called Heart of the Swarm, will have a single-player campaign for the Zerg. The trilogy will be completed by Legacy of the Void, which stars the Protoss. Assuming they adhere to this 18 month schedule, that would put Legacy as a mid-2013 release.
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